About Us

Let-It-Cold" is a groundbreaking project aimed at providing affordable and sustainable energy solutions to marginalized communities and individuals who lack access to reliable cooling systems. Through innovative market strategies like the Pay-As-You-Store and Pay-As-You-Go models, we offer accessible and energy-efficient refrigeration options. Our modular design and solar-powered cold rooms are designed to cater to various food industry sectors, reducing post-harvest losses and environmental impact. With a strong focus on reliability, scalability, and environmental responsibility, Let-It-Cold is set to make a significant positive impact on the lives of farmers, traders, Cold drinks sellers and distributors in Nigeria, while offering a remarkable return on investment in just 18 months."

no pollution

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Highly cost efficient

Stet stet justo dolor sed duo. Ut clita sea sit ipsum diam lorem diam justo.

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To provide sustainable cooling system to unserved and underserved area in sub-Saharan Africa.

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final year student trained


Youths employed



Our Services

Explore Our Services

Affordable Energy

Provide affordable and sustainable energy solutions to marginalized communities and individuals.

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Innovative energy solution

Implement innovative financial models such as Pay-As-You-Store and Pay-As-You-Go for accessible refrigeration

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highly fficient storage for farmers

Design and deploy modular, solar-powered cold rooms tailored for various sectors in the food industry.

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Investment plans

Offer a remarkable return on investment within just 18 months for our stakeholders.

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opportunities for all in agric and tech

Empower over 1000 women and traders with clean and affordable energy for cooling in the next five years..

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Warehouse and storage Solutions

Let-It-Cold offers rural farmers secure warehouse and storage solutions, promoting reliable and sustainable storage for their agricultural produce.

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Blogs & NEWS.

As a fast developing company who have based our products on thorough reserach,below is a list of papers and writeup based on our research.



Economic and Social Impact of Let-It-Cold Initiatives on Rural Women Empowerment:

Evaluate the economic and social impact of Let-It-Cold's efforts to empower women in rural areas through job opportunities and access to clean and affordable energy for cooling....



Economic and Social Impact of Let-It-Cold Initiatives on Rural Women Empowerment:

Evaluate the economic and social impact of Let-It-Cold's efforts to empower women in rural areas through job opportunities and access to clean and affordable energy for cooling.



Customizing Cold Room Designs for Different Food Industry Sectors:

Research and develop customized cold room designs to meet the specific needs and requirements of diverse food industry sectors, enhancing the effectiveness of Let-It-Cold solutions.

Our Team

Expert Team Members

Zainab Abdulwaheed


Fortune Riagbayire

Renewable energy consultant

Issa muzzamil

Researcher and hardware ethusiast

Remarks and Reviews

see what Experts are saying about the let-it-cold project!